
preliminary stage Learn more about preliminary stage

  • The preliminary research of the "Thirteenth Five-Year Plan" began to "produce results"

    The preliminary research of the

    On April 1, the Ministry of Agriculture held a report meeting on the research results of major topics in the early stage of the 13th Five-Year Plan for Agricultural and Rural Development in Beijing to evaluate and demonstrate the research results, which also marked that the research on major topics in the early stage of planning entered the stage of producing results. That day, from Chinese science

    2016-03-20 "The Thirteenth Five-Year Plan " planning preliminary stage research start produce results
  • Preliminary shaping of tree stump bonsai

    Preliminary shaping of tree stump bonsai

    Tree stump bonsai often adopts different modeling techniques due to different tree species, and the effect of bonsai produced is also very different. Although the modeling techniques are different, the bonsai produced by the tree stump will have their own advantages due to their different shapes. However, before making tree stump bonsai, we first need to dig up the stump landscape.

  • Tea clone breeding

    Tea clone breeding

    The breeding method of combining single plant breeding with asexual reproduction to produce new varieties was adopted. Tea varieties bred by clones are called tea clone varieties or tea clone varieties. It can reflect the heredity of the mother tree, can maintain the excellent characters of the improved tea varieties, the propagation speed is fast, the propagation cycle is short, and it can be propagated by cutting seedlings at the seedling stage, and the propagation coefficient is high. Since the successful popularization of tea short-spike cuttings, tea clone breeding is the breeding method of "single plant selection-cutting propagation". Breeding prescription

  • Preliminary results of trial Culture of Hybrid Black Fish in Nanhu District, Jiaxing City, Zhejiang Province

    Preliminary results of trial Culture of Hybrid Black Fish in Nanhu District, Jiaxing City, Zhejiang Province

    Preliminary results of trial Culture of Hybrid Black Fish in Nanhu District, Jiaxing City, Zhejiang Province

  • Preliminary Work on Raising Sika Deer

    Preliminary Work on Raising Sika Deer

    Sika deer is a kind of animal whose whole body is precious. The income of breeding sika deer is very high. Now many farms want to start breeding sika deer. What are the preliminary works of raising sika deer? 1. Site selection Deer farm should be selected at a relatively high altitude and dry

    2020-11-11 raising sika deer early stage work is one kind whole body
  • A Preliminary Report on the Breeding of a New Very Late Maturing Peach Line Dongxuewangtao

    A Preliminary Report on the Breeding of a New Very Late Maturing Peach Line Dongxuewangtao

    The breeding objective was to select a new variety with very late maturity, high quality, storage tolerance and high yield. In 1998, Dongxue peach was used as female parent and Zhonghua Shoutao as male parent to cross 50 fruits. In 1999, 46 hybrid seedlings were bred. In 2000, high grafting was carried out. In 2001, fruit characters were excellent. In 2004, a new strain was selected by multi-point test, tentatively named Dongxuewang peach. The main characters are as follows. (1)Botanical characteristics tree posture is more open, main branches and perennial branches gray, 2

  • Preliminary results have been achieved in the research and demonstration of the integrated model of improving quality and increasing efficiency of dairy cows.

    Preliminary results have been achieved in the research and demonstration of the integrated model of improving quality and increasing efficiency of dairy cows.

    Preliminary results have been achieved in the research and demonstration of the integrated model of improving quality and increasing efficiency of dairy cows.

  • Preliminary work of crayfish culture

    Preliminary work of crayfish culture

    If you want to have a good harvest, the preliminary work of crayfish culture is very important. 1. Pond transformation: crayfish culture is soil, water quality and size. (1) soil quality: it cannot be pure sandy soil, sandy soil is not suitable for conservation, and harder soil is not very good.

    2020-11-08 Small lobster breeding early stage work want to have good harvest
  • Preliminary preparation for Muskrat Culture

    Preliminary preparation for Muskrat Culture

    First, the preparation of the site: at present, the vast majority of muskrats raised in captivity are raised in outdoor enclosures. the enclosures where muskrats are raised are flat enclosures, vertical enclosures, building enclosures, young rats enclosures and simple enclosures, and so on. Some of them are raised in indoor cages.

    2020-11-08 Musk rat culture Prophase preparation work one site
  • Preliminary preparation for raising Young Wild Duck

    Preliminary preparation for raising Young Wild Duck

    Wild duck is a typical representative of waterfowl, which is the common name of mallard duck (mallard) in the northern hemisphere. Wild duck belongs to bird class, goose-shaped order, duck family; its number is very large, is the popular name of many kinds of wild ducks, there are more than ten species. The method of raising young wild ducks is divided into indoor off-ground.

    2020-11-08 Wild duck seedling brood early stage preparation wild duck yes waterfowl
  • Preliminary report on the effect of Kobao Plant probiotics on Cotton

    Preliminary report on the effect of Kobao Plant probiotics on Cotton

    1 Materials and methods 1.1 the tested material Kebao plant probiotics was produced by Zhejiang Kebao Biotechnology Co., Ltd., and the tested variety was Xiangzamian 2. 1.2 the experimental site is Dashahu Farm, Honghu City, Hubei Province. Soil texture sandy loam, spring ploughing and spring irrigation, sprinkling 52% diammonium phosphate 300 kg/hm2 and 46% urea 75kg/hm2 before soil preparation. 1.3 the experiment was designed with 3 treatments. Treatment of ①: Kebao plant probiotics one time dosage 300g/

  • A preliminary study on the effects of different cultivation methods on the yield and benefit of Rhizoma Curcumae

    A preliminary study on the effects of different cultivation methods on the yield and benefit of Rhizoma Curcumae

    A preliminary study on the effects of different cultivation methods on the yield and benefit of Rhizoma Curcumae; Wenli Town, Lingshan County, Guangxi is located in the south subtropics, which has certain advantages in light, temperature, hydrology and other conditions.

  • Rational application of allicin

    Rational application of allicin

    Although allicin has a good use effect, it should also be used reasonably, and the dosage should not be increased blindly, so as to avoid waste or even adverse effects. Huang Xingguo et al made a preliminary study on the application effect of allicin in ricefield eel culture. The results showed that the survival rate and disease control effect were different due to the different amount of allicin added in different feeding stages: without adding allicin in the feeding stage, after one month, the survival rate was 89%, and the main causes of death were red skin disease and enteritis; 200mg/kg and 40 were added to formula feed.

  • A preliminary study on the New Ecological Marketing of Tea Merchants; the public has become the main consumer

    A preliminary study on the New Ecological Marketing of Tea Merchants; the public has become the main consumer

    At present, the most urgent task for the professional tea market and tea merchants is to reconstruct the marketing channel and let the tea return to the original position of the daily necessities of the common people. In addition, the problems of branding and standardization of the tea industry also need to be solved. Before National Day, facing the tea which is still at a low ebb.

    2016-03-20 Tea merchants New Ecology Marketing preliminary Exploration Volkswagen become
  • How to raise snapper

    How to raise snapper

    Snapper is the general name of many kinds of snapper, farmed snapper is generally black sea bream, so how to raise snapper? First, the preliminary preparation needs to select a suitable culture area according to the habits of snapper, and carry out desilting and disinfection. It is necessary to choose the mud sand bottom and sand bottom with hard bottom material.

    2020-11-11 Snapper how raise snapper yes very many all kinds of artificial
  • A preliminary study on the Propagation of Taxus mairei

    A preliminary study on the Propagation of Taxus mairei

    Taxus mairei, also known as Taxus mairei, Taxus chinensis and Pinus elliottii, is a rare evergreen tree under national first-class protection. it has beautiful posture, purplish red trunk, red seeds when mature, bright aril and strong regional adaptability. it can be planted from all parts of southern Shaanxi. This tree species likes the humid and cool climate environment, and is suitable for growing in acid to slightly acidic soil with wet, loose and good drainage. It is a semi-negative tree species. The seedlings are resistant to shade, grow slowly, and increase after 3 years. Because of its resistance to barren and strong resistance to diseases and insect pests, it is a pine genus in East China.

  • How much sunflower planting area is there in 2018? Will sunflower prices rise in the second half of the year?

    How much sunflower planting area is there in 2018? Will sunflower prices rise in the second half of the year?

    As the domestic sunflower seed market has been depressed in the past two years, most farmers planting sunflower seeds are in a state of loss. How much sunflower planting area will there be in 2018? Will sunflower prices rise in the second half of the year? In 2017, the planting area of sunflower in China is about 8 million mu

  • What effect does the symptom of hickory pink mildew have? How to control pink mildew of hickory

    What effect does the symptom of hickory pink mildew have? How to control pink mildew of hickory

    Pink mildew on pecans is a secondary disease that usually develops from a fungal disease called pecan scab when nuts have previously been injured. The key to the treatment of pecan powder mold is to solve the preliminary problems.

    2019-04-19 Carya cathayensis pink mildew disease symptoms what effect
  • Internet + of China promotes the "high-end" of agriculture to squeeze out the middle link.

    Internet + of China promotes the

    According to a preliminary estimate released by the Ministry of Agriculture, the online trading volume of agricultural products in China exceeded 100 billion yuan last year, accounting for 3 percent of agricultural sales. According to officials of the Ministry of Agriculture, not only agricultural e-commerce, Internet + modern agriculture in agricultural Internet of things, agricultural information

    2016-01-10 China the Internet boost agriculture " high-end " squeeze out
  • Masson pine is a rare good material for bonsai.

    Masson pine is a rare good material for bonsai.

    ▲ "A preliminary study of the Sea of Clouds" Mountain Pine, also known as Masson Pine, is also known as Pinus massoniana. Because of its slow growth, difficult to transplant, long branches and low sprouting rate, this kind of tree can be used to make bonsai, but it has been constantly changed by bonsai lovers in recent years.
